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You're not alone
in your struggles to grow your passion business


Your personal guide to performing better and feeling confident & relaxed about your next professional steps is waiting for you 🙂

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 Seeing twinkles in the eyes of an audience of business owners, CEO’s and managers, their aha-moment, is sheer bliss.

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Some of my clients said this about my work:

Running my own business isn’t easy. Before I met Mieke I was doing a million things a day without clear focus and purpose. I was exhausted. Mieke helped me to define our company goals at a much deeper level. They are now connected to me as a person and aligned with my personal beliefs and goals for my life.

Mieke’s approach is structured and detailed. She’s straightforward but brings it with warmth and understanding. It didn’t feel hard at all to make some crucial changes in my professional life.

I met Mieke through her first business many years ago. She founded it in 2012 and sold it to a new owner many years later.

She has so much knowledge and experience in founding a business, building it, growing it, improving it, as a business owner herself, that I felt like she completely understood every struggle, every challenge and every little bit I was worried about. I decided to let it all out in every session we met.

I joined Mieke’s one on one GROW master coaching model spread over several weeks. Being a busy and sometimes overloaded with work wine importer I desperately needed someone to help me to get insights in how to manage my company better. Working ON the business instead of being IN it 24/7.

She asked me a lot of questions. Made me think in a way that no one made me think before. Thanks to this guidance I finally understood what choices and changes I had to make. Thank you Mieke!

“Starting my first business  from scratch felt like creating my own baby…

Mieke on when she founded her first retail business in 2012.

…and sharing it with the world felt like a dream coming true”


Laying awake at night worrying if you did the right thing at work and what else you should be doing to make it all work tomorrow, next month, next year?

I get it. 100%. You’ll find understanding & support in my emails. We won’t spam you!

Is this you?

Friday 3 pm. My staff is leaving the office ready to not think about work for a few days. But I can’t stop yet. Messages have to be sent, decisions need to be made, numbers need to be checked. I wish I could go home.

Mieke works with a limited number of professionals who she’s sure of she will get them the results they need.


The Secret of Feeling at Ease?

Running the business of your dreams, making the money that you want AND feeling confident and relaxed about every next step to take is the result of putting the RIGHT knowledge into practice. It’s as simple as that.

At MiekeClaerhout.com we coach CEO’s, founders, general managers and experienced professionals to perform better. The focus here is on YOU.

At The Marketing House – Vietnam we consult and train CEO’s, founders, general managers and experienced professionals to make their company perform better. The focus there is on the performance of the business. 

Determined to stop feeling alone or inadequate?

After working in marketing and sales for over 20 years and investing more than 25.000usd in my own personal development I now dare to say what I needed from the beginning:
A person I could connect to, speak freely with, who wouldn’t judge me or my decisions, who had many more years of experience than me in being a ‘business owner’ or a ‘manager’. Someone who could lead me to the answers that I didn’t find myself. Crucial answers on how to run my business, what kind of employer I should be, what kind of communication would work for me with employees and clients, and so on.

My coaching method is the one and only method to grow your “business confidence” in the most effective way in the shortest amount of time.

the prime profit programme

the P.R.I.M.E. Profit Method

  • Better understanding your own strengths & weaknesses
  • Feeling more secure about what next steps to take
  • Save time on searching for answers that work for you
  • Save money on just trying things instead of knowing exactly what to do
Get Started